
Never Be Afraid to Try New Restaurants and Cuisines

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Never Be Afraid to Try New Restaurants and Cuisines

When I was growing up, my mother meat and potatoes for dinner each night. Once a week, we would order pizza from the same pizza place. I never even tried Mexican food until I was 18 years old! I loved it and that led me on a quest to try all of the different types of cuisines out there and I have to say that I love almost all of them. When trying a new cuisine, I don't always love the first dish I try, but I find that after trying a few dishes, I find one that I fall in love with. I think that trying new food frequently can be a great adventure that adds some zest to your life. I plan to post about many foods I have tried and plan to try on my blog, so come back soon!


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Three Tips To Help You Eat Healthy While Eating Out

It can be common for individuals to be forced to eat out at restaurants for many of their meals. Unfortunately, there are people that might think that it is impossible for them to eat healthy. Yet, some basic guidelines may help you to avoid the unhealthy items while you are eating out without compromising your dining experience.

Order A Side Salad

One of the most effective ways of reducing a number of calories and fat that you consume in a restaurant is to substitute a side salad for one of your sides. In addition to providing you with valuable nutrients and vitamins, the salad can help to feel full, which can decrease the amount that you eat. To help amplify this effect, you should request to receive your salad before your meal as it can take several minutes to feel full. Some individuals will make the mistake of putting a large amount of heavy salad dressing, but this can add a large number of empty calories. A vinaigrette may be a better option as it will provide moisture and flavor without adding many calories.

Skip The Soda

It is a reality that the food served in restaurants may be rather salty, and this can cause some people to drink large amounts of soda. Unfortunately, soda can also be salty and rich in calories, which can make it easy to drink too much of it. Rather than drinking soda, you should opt for water or tea. If you find plain water difficult to drink, adding a slice of lemon to it can help to impart a clean and refreshing taste. For those that have difficulty drinking plain tea, a small amount of honey may be added to give it a sweet taste. While honey can be relatively high in calories, it is extremely nutritious, which can make this small indulgence worthwhile.

Ask The Staff For Healthy Recommendations

It is a reality that you may not be familiar with all of the terms that can be found on a menu. As a result, you may have difficulty deciding which menu option will be the healthy choice for you to eat. In these situations, you should not hesitate to ask your server for their recommendation for a healthy dish. These individuals will have a thorough and intimate knowledge of the way that each menu item is prepared, which will allow them to be able to offer you a well-informed recommendation for your particular dietary needs.  

With these tips, you can plan for healthy restaurant meals any time you get a meal out.